Step 1: To satisfy the client’s exacting specifications and ensure the order was fulfilled as agreed, we utilized our highly advanced 5x CNC machines which had to be set up within a very short time, and performed measurement and evaluation of all components within a very short time, working in 24 hour shifts.
Step 2: In order to eliminate all aesthetic signs of milling, we deployed a mild sandblasting process. Using fine grit we were able to remove all scratches while providing the cases with the texture most amenable to anodizing.
Step 3:
Once all parts were sandblasted and then cleaned, they were ready for anodizing. To ensure maximum effect and optimal scratch and corrosion resistance, we anodized each case separately. This involved the following processes:
- Clear sulfuric anodizing per mil STD-8625 type II class 1 seal A, thickness 15±5 μm.
- A 10-15 min ultrasonic detergent bath at 54-65°.
- Rinse cycle spraying and a 15 minute ultrasonic bath at 38-54° in DI water filtered through a 0.5 micron filter.
- A rinse cycle in isopropyl alcohol filtered through a 0.5 micron filter.
- A 15 minute dry cycle in a clean oven at 60°
- A 24 hour vacuum bake at 120° degrees and 5-10 Torr.